

geography :

[英] d??’?ɡr?f?

[美] d?i?ɑɡr?fi

音节: geo gra phy



1:地理学:Geography ; geology ; Astronomy ; BSc Geography

2:英国地理:geography of the United Kingdom

3:克罗地亚地理:Geography of Croatia

4:中国地理:Geography of China ; Chinese Geography ; China geography ; Geography

5:以色列地理:Geography of Israel ; Settlements in Israel

6:澳大利亚地理:Geography of Australia ; Australian Geographic ; Australian landform divisions

7:印度地理:Geography of India

8:冰岛地理:Geography of Iceland

9:捷克地理:Geography of the Czech Republic




原文:But we should not be naive either: Geography is one more strike against them.



原文:I once made 20$ on a bet that my geography teacher would pull his pants up to this belly buttonthe second class started. And he did.



原文:None of these places is doomed. Human agency can triumph over determinism. But we should not be naive either: Geography is one more strike against them.

有效的学习方法!本人文科女,帮帮我 怎么提高记忆力,怎么背英语单词又高效,地理方面,数学,语文怎么

  • 有效的学习方法!本人文科女,帮帮我怎么提高记忆力,怎么背英语单词又高效,地理敞丁搬股植噶邦拴鲍茎方面,数学,语文怎么突破高分作文啊,都帮帮我!谢谢欢迎学霸
  • 艾宾浩斯


  • geography 英[digrfi] 美[diɑ:grfi] n. 地理(学); 地形,地势; 布局; [例句]The American continents geography severely limited the lines of attack美洲大陆的地形严重限制了进攻路线。


  • 我现在是四川高二文科生,400分左右,弱点是地理和英语,一不会背图,而不会被单词意思,高三努力可以多少分?要怎么把分补回来?
  • 最好的方式就是努力补救你的偏科现象,在高考中,有一门偏科也会影响你的总成绩的。好好努力吧,你还有两年的时间。


  • 来自于希腊语Geography (from Greek γεωγραφα, geographia, literally "earth description") is a field of science devoted to the study of the lands, the features, the inhabitants, and the phenomena of Earth. The first person to use the word "γεωγραφα" was Eratosthenes (276–194 BC). Geography is an all-encompassing discipline that seeks an understanding of the Earth and its human and natural complexities—not merely where objects are, but how they have changed and come to be. It is often defined in terms of the two branches of human geography and physical geography.The four historical traditions in geographical research are: spatial analyses of natural and the human phenomena, area studies of places and regions, studies of human-land relationships, and the Earth sciences.Geography has been called "the world discipline" and "the bridge between the human and虎粻港救蕃嚼歌楔攻盲 the physical sciences".