

高清晰;高清晰度visibility 英[?v?z??b?l?ti] 美[?v?z??b?l?ti] n. 能见度;可见性;可见距离;清晰度 [例句]Visibility creates the illusion of value.可见性创造了价值的假象。






to be announced是什么意思

  • to be announced是什么意思
  • to be an粻激纲刻蕺灸告熏梗抹nounced待宣布; 待通知; 待发布双语例句1The cut-off date for registering is yet to be announced. 还没有宣布登记的截止日期。2But details of both plans have yet to be announced. 但这两个计划的具体细节都还没有宣布。

extra bounce的意思

  • extra bounce的中文翻译  extra bounce  额外弹跳  双语例句  1  Now that final exams are history, you seem to have that extra bounce.  期末考试已经成为过去式,你们看起来格外有活力。  2  Kick serve: A serve hit with heavy spin, usually resulting in extra bounce when it lands.  旋转发球:发出的球强烈旋转,通常在地面弹起时产生异常。  3  How to reach al dente: For the尝花佰拘脂饺拌邪饱矛 boiled noodles, the chef uses a technique he swears by to get that extra bounce.  如何把面煮得弹牙:皮塔克大厨在煮面条时运用了一种技巧,他发誓这种方法可以让面条超有弹性。

my true nature deweys baby bubble bath,12 fluid ounce什么意思

  • my true nature dewey&缉龚光夹叱蝗癸伟含连#39;s baby bubble bath,12 fluid ounce我的真实本性杜威的宝宝泡泡浴,12盎司的液体

couple announce engagement是什么意思

  • couple announce engagement夫妻宣布订婚拼音双语对照双语例句1Al-Fayed a籂顶焚雇莳概锋谁福京lleges the killing was ordered because the couple were about to announce their engagement and Diana was pregnant.艾尔法耶德提出这样的控告是因为,当时戴安娜和多迪即将宣布订婚,而且戴安娜已怀孕。

know the instructions announced by flgh attedants,什么意思

  • know the 涪孩帝绞郜悸佃溪顶娄instructions announced by flight attedants知道指令是乘务员宣布的

mimi bounce ball 这关什么意思啊,求大神解答。

  • 就是小弹跳球的意思